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Raccoon Creek Online Database Access
The Raccoon Creek Partners have been collecting water quality information throughout the Raccoon Creek Watershed over the past decade. That data has been organized and stored in a master database which is now accessible to the public online at The database is linked with a map viewer so the user can easily find water quality information for the specific area of interest. The online database also allows remote entry of data for Raccoon Creek Partners to allow for more up-to-date data availability and access. To view data for your area of interest, click on the area on the map, select the closest sampling site, and click on either Chemical Data or Biological Data.
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Raccoon Creek Online Database Access
The Raccoon Creek Partners have been collecting water quality information throughout the Raccoon Creek Watershed over the past decade. That data has been organized and stored in a master database which is now accessible to the public online at The database is linked with a map viewer so the user can easily find water quality information for the specific area of interest. The online database also allows remote entry of data for Raccoon Creek Partners to allow for more up-to-date data availability and access. To view data for your area of interest, click on the area on the map, select the closest sampling site, and click on either Chemical Data or Biological Data.