Kroger Rewards
Sign Up For Kroger Community Rewards!
Please sign up for Kroger Community Rewards today! This program is 100 percent free to you and it generates donations to RCP by just shopping at Kroger! Below are some instructions on how to sign up for the rewards.
1. Go to: :Click “Sign in” or “Create an
account” at the top of the screen.
2. To Create an account: simply fill in the requested information and a confirmation email will be sent to you.
3. Click on the link provided in the email from Kroger, and “Sign in”.
4. Once signed in click on the “Edit Community Rewards Information” near the bottom of the screen. Then, in the “Find Your
Organization” field, type in “Raccoon Creek Partnership”. Select us and Save your Selection.
5. Swipe your Kroger Rewards Card every time you shop and help RCP grow!
Kroger Rewards
Sign Up For Kroger Community Rewards!
Please sign up for Kroger Community Rewards today! This program is 100 percent free to you and it generates donations to RCP by just shopping at Kroger! Below are some instructions on how to sign up for the rewards.
1. Go to: :Click “Sign in” or “Create an
account” at the top of the screen.
2. To Create an account: simply fill in the requested information and a confirmation email will be sent to you.
3. Click on the link provided in the email from Kroger, and “Sign in”.
4. Once signed in click on the “Edit Community Rewards Information” near the bottom of the screen. Then, in the “Find Your
Organization” field, type in “Raccoon Creek Partnership”. Select us and Save your Selection.
5. Swipe your Kroger Rewards Card every time you shop and help RCP grow!